Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Months of the year

We have been learning the months of the year. We now know that there is 12 months in a year and 52 weeks in a year. We have also been putting the months and days into order.

Container Drawing

This term our art focus has been containers. Look at us practicing drawing containers.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Gingerbread Haka

I know that you all like this clip and because we are looking at the gingerbread man story I thought I would put this video here for you to look at.

Today's Writing

Today Javae, Georgia, Kahu and Jay wrote about what they did at the weekend using tux paint.

Gingerbread Man

This week we are reading the 'Gingerbread Man.'(See links to the side for the story)Today we read the story then coloured our own gingerbread man book.
Watch the story on this you tube video.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

the number 1

Mrs Robertson made us this video for us to learn about the number 1.

Months of the Year

This week we are going to learn the months of the year.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Days of the Week

we have bee learning the days of the week. We have been watching our You tube videos to help us. Today we learnt how to play a memory game to help us learn them. We had fun playing the game.

Pukeko Pictures

For the past week wehave been learning how to draw Pukeko. At long last our pictures are finished. We think they look really neat. What do you think?

Kahurangi NZ Maori dance theatre

Today the Kahurangi Maori Dance theatre came to school. What a fabulous show. They told us about the voyage of the Takitimu Canoe from Hawaiki through the South Pacific Islands to the landing in Aotearoa. This was told through dance, music and singing.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Days of the week

This week we are going to be learning the days of the week. We are going to watching these clips and doing different activities to learn the days of the week.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Counting a set of objects to 10

The squares maths group has been learning to add a set of objects to 10. Today they watched a powerpoint slide to add a set of objects. They had to look at the sets count the objects then write down the total.

The Number 5

The Triangles maths groups have been learnng about the number 5. What it looks like and to count a set of obejcts.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Five Speckled Frogs

We have been learning the song 'Five Speckled Frogs'. These rhymes are helping us to learn to count backwards from 5. Take a look at the two videos we ahve been watching.


In phonics we have been learning about Diagraphs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Five little fishy

On Friday we read the poem 'Five Little Fishy'

Five little fishy, swimming out to sea,
The first one said, "Oh, what can we see?"
The second one said, "I can see a tail."
The third one said, "It must be a whale!"
The fourth one said, "She's looking for lunch,"
The fifth one said, "She'll eat us in one munch!"
Five little fishy, swimming side by side, cried,
"Oh where, oh where, oh where, can we hide?
by Valerie SchifferDanoff

When we finished reading the poem we then drew fish and painted a background. Look at our pictures.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 9 Star

Picture Captions
[Caption.iT - Face in Hole]
Javae is also a friendly kind student who always tries her best.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today the squares maths group have been learning to add numbers to make ten.
First we used counters, then we did some examples in our modelling book. We then did a practice sheet.

The triangles group today learnt about the number 3.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ocean Alive show

Today we went to the 'Ocean Alive' Show. We learnt about sharks, The Pacific Ocean, what shraks and whales eat, how big they are. It was very interesting. We also got to look at diferent displays. We got to look at krill and what they smelt like.

Ugly Fish

Today we had the 'Ocean Alive' show. We learnt a lot about the ocean and what lives in it. We thought it was interesting the ugly fish that live in the ocean. When we got back to class we had another look at the the top ten ugly fish. Take a look what do you think of them?

We then made a word cloud of all the words to describe what they are like.

We then began to draw our own ugly fish. You will have to keep checking in to see our progress of our ugly fish.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Learning

Today Georgia was our class photographer. She took photos of people trying hard with their learning.
We can see that Arnakah and Jay were working well on their reading task. We could see some good alphabet work done with a picture of a shark.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 8 Star

Take a look at this weeks star

Myspace Photo Cube

She has been working hard on learning her alphabet and their sounds. She knows her numbers to 10 and can form a set of objects. Well done Georgia